PARKING wardens in Carmarthenshire are being given a chance toshed their negative image with the same customer service trainingthat was used at the Vancouver Olympics last year.
It is hoped the eight staff members, who work for the countycouncil, can help tourists in the area and improve the reputationthey have with the public.
The work, called WorldHost, has been adapted from a project runin Vancouver to help visitors to the city.
It also sets about dispelling common misconceptions aboutcommission and targets of handing out parking tickets.
Louise Rozhon, marketing and tourism officer at CarmarthenshireCouncil, said: "Parking officers have had so much negative publicityin the past. We're trying to let everyone know that it isn't abouthanding out tickets but more about the service they can offer as anambassador for Carmarthenshire.
"They know the area better than anyone so are best placed to helpwith queries."
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